by Richard Skolnik
Building on the strengths of the third edition, the Global Health 101, Fourth Edition continues to be written in a single voice, follows a consistent format, and includes a common set of questions about the burden of disease and what can be done to address it. Covering all the major topics in global health—from the determinants of health, the global burden of disease, and ethical priority setting, to the environment and health, nutrition, and communicable and noncommunicable diseases—this flexible text is adaptable to a wide range of courses and learning objectives. Over 70 case studies—many brand new—in both the book and online, illustrate a wide range of critical issues.
in Global Health 101, Fourth Edition
The book is evidence-based and uniquely takes account of the latest data and evidence—2016 or later—from fundamental sources, including the Global Burden of Disease Studies, Disease Control Priorities, Third Edition, (DCP3), and Millions Saved. In addition, Global Health 101 now presents substantial data by World Bank region and World Bank country income group.
Throughout the fourth edition there is an enhanced emphasis on Universal Health Coverage, ethical priority setting, health disparities, and the quality of care.
Significant updates/enhancements have been made in many areas, including: the global burden of disease and risk factors: determinants of health; intersectoral approaches to enhancing global health; the health of women; the health of children adolescents and young adults; immunization; undernutrition and obesity; and, the growing prevalence of noncommunicable diseases.
Learning objectives and vignettes focus and engage students in the chapter content, while tables, figures and new illustrative photos clarify and enhance visualization and understanding. End of chapter study questions enable students to check their knowledge, while key terms and references assist students in comprehension and in learning more.
The text is accompanied by an extensive array of ancillary materials, some unique among the global health textbooks:
Tap into Richard Skolnik extensive experience as both a teacher and leader in Global Health for invaluable insights and resources for teaching global health. Look for upcoming blogs on: